Dental Cleanings & Exams

Dental Cleanings & Exams

Dental Cleanings and Exams Prevent Tooth Decay and Gum Disease

One of the preferred ways of keeping your mouth healthy and your smile lovely is to have dental cleanings and examinations approximately every six months. Our four offices in the greater Phoenix area can set you and your family up with an appointment for routine dental exams and cleanings to keep your teeth and gums healthy.

Visiting our offices every six months keeps excess plaque from forming on your teeth. Excess plaque on the teeth can cause severe dental and gum disease. Gum disease can cause an increased risk of diabetes, heart disease, and stroke, according to some research.

The Importance of Preventative Dental Care

If you are a recent resident of the greater Phoenix area or if you don’t have a relationship with an established dental program, contact our office today for an initial appointment for a checkup. It doesn’t matter how frequently you brush your teeth and floss; plaque still may build up on your teeth. For this reason, you need routine examinations and dental cleanings to keep your teeth healthy.

What is Plaque?

Plaque is a colorless substance containing bacteria that is created on the teeth when sweet and or foods are consumed. These sweet and starchy foods bond with your saliva and create acids that erode the enamel of your teeth. This acid also may occur under the gum line and between teeth, where brushing doesn’t reach. Even though you brush your teeth twice per day and floss regularly, dental plaque can still accumulate. Routine dental cleanings reach those hard to get places and assist in maintaining your oral health.

What Can I Expect During a Dental Cleaning and Examination?

During a routine dental examination and cleaning a dental hygienist will use a hand scaler or ultrasonic tool to remove the plaque buildup on your teeth. Then she’ll floss thoroughly between your teeth and into your gum line to finish the professional cleaning. Next, a professional polishing tool will be used to complete the tooth cleaning smoothly. Fluoride and sealants may also be used to protect your newly cleaned teeth and prevent tooth decay.

After your teeth are professionally cleaned, you may have digital x-rays done of your teeth to gain a closer look at their condition. An oral cancer screening may also be done to check for such oral health issues as:

  • Neck and shoulder problems.
  • Issues with your bite like bruxism and TMJ.
  • The overall healthiness of your teeth, mouth, and gums.
  • The condition of your bite.
  • Signs of infection.

Symptoms of oral cancer

An oral cancer screening using advanced technology will be used.

  • Any loose teeth that may be present in your mouth.
  • Malocclusions.

Any tooth decay that is detected may need to be treated in an additional appointment. At that appointment, the decayed areas of your tooth will gently be removed, and your decay or cavity might be protected with a dental filling. Also, our doctors will provide any periodontal therapy needed to treat gum disease if it is detected. Biannual dental cleanings and examinations can catch any tooth decay or gum diseases before they become a more serious health issue. Types of periodontal diseases have symptom such as include:

  • Bleeding gums.
  • Redness and swelling.
  • Receding gums.
  • Sensitive teeth.
  • Loose teeth.
  • Jawbone degeneration.

Be sure to mention any of these symptoms at your upcoming dental checkup and cleaning so your doctor can address them.

Schedule your next cleaning and examination today at any of our four locations. Routine dental exams and cleanings may save you money in costly dental treatments. Invest in your smile today.