Dental aesthetics is a very important part since this specialty of dentistry aims to find a pleasant, natural and very satisfying smile for the patient. The smile is an area of facial interest because it expresses multiple emotions, as well as having a great ability in interpersonal communication. Thus playing the mouth an important role in the perception of people. This dental specialty is based on the diagnosis of different problems in this area of the oral cavity and on the performance of an appropriate and individualized treatment according to the diagnosis of certainty obtained through an exhaustive study.
There are several alterations that can compromise dental aesthetics and, therefore, patients at the Dental Clinic Dental Clinic Barcelona want to get a pleasant and healthy smile, while solving the aspect that worries them. The problems that affect the teeth in the esthetic zone are fundamentally those related to the color of the teeth, the shape of them and the position of the teeth. The teeth with the passage of the years, lose properties, as well as they are changing the hue of the color, reason why they can turn yellow.

This dental problem may be due to poor hygiene, but sometimes this is not the main cause, but there are other additive factors such as some substances or foods, such as coffee, tea, red wine or fruits and vegetables with high pigmentation. Dental stains can also be caused by tetracyclines, which are antibiotics that were prescribed 20 years ago, but are currently in disuse.
To be able to treat the alterations of coloration, it is important to make an adequate diagnosis to be able to treat it. It is important to perform oral hygiene to eliminate all kinds of extrinsic stains that may exist in the teeth. It is also recommended to reduce the intake of beverages and foods that can stain your teeth. Tobacco is a bad habit that should be eliminated to avoid dental stains but, more importantly, to prevent any pathology at the systemic level. Another alternative to improve the color of the teeth is the realization of a teeth whitening to reduce the tonality of the teeth and have a more aesthetic and beautiful smile. Sometimes,
Gingival retraction or receding gums is one of the other problems that affects dental aesthetics. This alteration can also affect the appearance of a hypersensitivity when the root of the tooth is exposed. Gingival retraction is usually caused by rough and aggressive brushing, by the existence of a periodontal disease and by the presence of a fine gum biotype.
The treatment of retracted gums is the elimination of risk factors, but if there is a periodontal pathology, the base pathology should be treated first to prevent the retraction from increasing. Once the periodontal pathology is controlled, there are periodontal treatments that have a high percentage of success, such as free gum grafting to cover the root area that is exposed. If the retraction is caused by aggressive brushing, the brushing technique and subsequent periodic visits should be modified to control the modification of the technique.
Sometimes, the problem of the smile is caused by the opposite to the previous one, by small teeth with abundant gum that cover them, even causing a gingival smile. Which greatly affects the aesthetics of the gums and the smile. In these cases you must diagnose properly and know the cause of this alteration to be able to act on it. It is important to assess whether there is an alteration and gingival inflammation to be able to plan one type of treatment or another. The treatments that are usually carried out in these situations are gingivectomy or crown lengthening, depending on whether there is an overgrowth of the gum or, in addition, there is an over-suppression of the bone that exists around the affected tooth.
Dental wear can be one of the reasons for consultation. They are a very frequent problem since this can be caused, generally, by a dysfunction such as bruxism or trauma. In order to solve this dental alteration, an aesthetic recontorning is usually performed with an aesthetic composite resin or, sometimes, if there is a high loss of dental structure, the indication will be the placement of veneers or dental crowns.
Another problem that affects dental aesthetics is tooth separation. In the aesthetic zone, this separation or diastema is usually between the central incisors, called interincisal diastema. In order to correct this alteration, it must be assessed by an orthodontist, through an appropriate study, and assess the most appropriate treatment in each particular case. The treatment can be the placement of orthodontic appliances to join the teeth and eliminate the diastemas or the realization of an aesthetic treatment, such as dental veneers.